Important Information!
Important Information!

The usual path to the Edelrauthütte over the glacier is closed, because of security. 

Unfortunately also the path 8a is closed now, because of security.

How you can find us

and everybody can do it :)

Starting point Pfitschtal


How to get there: Drive on the motorway A22 and take the exit to Sterzing. Then follow the road to Pfitschtal for about 25 km.

Parking space: at the 3rd turn of the Pfitscher-Joch mountain road.


The hiking trail is about 6.5 km long and takes about 3 hours.


At first the path leads through woodland up to the tree line. There you can enjoy the view of beautiful landscapes. From a height of  about 2000m there is an easy and pleasant path through a magnificent green Alpine scenery. There you can meet some sheep or marmots. :) Towards the end of the trail you have to cross a gravel path which finally leads you to our hut.


Starting point Lappach 


How to get there: Take the motorway exit Vahrn/Brixen and follow the Val Pusteria road til you reach Bruneck, then you drive into Valle Aurina. From Mühlen in Taufers take the road to Lappach. 

Parking space: dammed lake Neves, Lappach


This hike first leads to Edelrauthut. Then you have to cross the  Gliederferner glacier, to get to our hut.


Don´t forget your crampons!


Walking time: about 5 hours






Alternative route across the Gliederbach

Walking time: 8-10 hours







The Hochfeiler Mountain (3510 m) can be reached in about 2 hours from our hut. You can usually climb it without any additional equipment.






The trail to the Hochferner Mountain (3463 m) first leads into the direction of the Hochfeiler and then across the summit ridge to the peak of the Hochferner This trip takes about 3.5 hours. Attention! Glaciertour: climbing only with good equipment and experience in the mountains. 






The Hohe Weißzint Mountain (3371m) is located at the border to Austria. The trail crosses the Gliederferner glacier across  a scree ridge to the peak. Climbing only with experience in the mountains.

Huts in the surrounding area:

                                                                                                                            hiking time

  • Edelraut hut  2545m                                                                  about 2.5 hours
  • Brixner hut  2307m                                                                  about 6-8 hours                              
  • Günther Messner - Hochferner Biwak  2510m                 about 4.5 hours
  • Walter - Brenninger Biwak                                                                   -
  • Pfitscher - Joch - House  2276m                                                about 4 hours                                                        
  • Furtschaglhaus  2295m                                                                           -
  • Chemnitzer hut  2420m                                                        about 6 hours



Hüttentel.: +39 0472 646071


Mobiltel.: +39 329 1318270

(nur über whatsapp)

(solo /only whatsapp)


Sat. Telefon: +39 0472674420





14. Juni   bis  mitte September 





14. giunio a metá settembre

Opening times


14th june to mid-september